Asia Scam - Investment scam from Asia - Perpetrator identified
For years, the Asia Scam investment scammers have been making their own headlines with their well-made websites. A group of investment scammers from Asia manages to defraud hundreds, if not thousands of investors worldwide of their money on a regular basis with newly set up websites. The total loss is likely to be more than half a billion euros. The investment scammers are a group of British and Americans, originally from Thailand, but currently from Malaysia, threatening the whole world with their well-made scams. Investigations are about to be completed! How can investors join the proceedings against the investment scammers from Asia?

Asia Scam: Always the same scheme of investment scams
For years you can read on the Internet about the investment scammers from Asia. They always follow the same pattern, so you can ultimately identify them by the nature of their business model. Share deals are offered - mostly with Chinese start ups. The websites are perfectly made and also the native English speaking brokers are absolute world class not only professionally but also psychologically. So it is not only an investment scam in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but the investment scammers have the whole world in their sights with their scams.
Asia Scam: The investment scammers are identified
After years of work and investigation, their names and locations have now been largely identified. A special feature of this gang of investment scammers is the perfect presentation of their scam, i.e. their fraud model. This includes a good design as well as the supposed locations Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and South Korea. So far, the investment scammers from Asia use the following fantasy companies with very euphonious names and under false addresses in Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and South Korea:
Brook Dawson
Wallace Williamson
Royston Carr Asset Management
Warrington Shaw
Ward Henderson Management
Townsend Cole Group
Everitt Lawson Group
Radford Taylor Partners
Ellis Marshall Global
Lewis Bentley Group
Findlay Nicholson
Irvine Humphries Global
Ryland Sandford Consultants
Benidict Hoffman
Byron Stafford
Willmer Gibson
Saikyo Sakura Assets
Sendai Mebuki Holdings
Kansai Mebuki Holdings
GM Warburg
GT Merrill Universal
Asia Scam: Accounts set up through questionable service providers
Also noteworthy are the beneficiary accounts at banks in Hong Kong - such as HSBC and Bank of China, and later at banks in Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia, as at Standard Chartered Bank. The bank accounts were regularly set up by rather questionable service providers. The question is how it escaped the attention of the compliance departments of such renowned banks that behind these account holders registered by the service provider were often pure air numbers. Unsuspecting investors transferred their money to these conspicuous accounts. Millions of euros flowed through these accounts within a short period of time until the new account was opened. The game was repeated over and over again for many years, always following the same pattern.
Asia Scam: Complex logistics have been set up
The business of investment scammers in Asia has been going on for many years, and was initially identified as an investment scam from Taiwan. Also of note is a video from 2016 posted online by an Australian victim of the Asia Scammers. Admittedly, the brave investor who tracked the perpetrators to their home in northern Thailand had no idea that this was an extremely complex and multi-layered investment scam that required a significant logistical effort. It is not just one scammer that the Australian was tracking, but a large network whose traces can be found almost on every continent.
Asia Scam: How do investors get their money back?
What can investors do about this investment scam? How do investors get their money back? The criminal investigations we have been conducting since 2019 with the involvement of external investigators from Artefaktum are nearing a preliminary conclusion. The civil law processing of the Asia Scam complex, in particular also the role of the banks, and here again in particular HSBC, will still take a while. In order not to jeopardize further proceedings, no further information can be published at this point.
RESCH Attorneys at Law - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you are a victim of the investment scammers from Asia and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call 030 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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