How scammers get you to invest? Cancellation form
To get you to give them your money, a scammer may tell you they're offering:
- high and quick returns or sometimes tax-free benefits
- share, mortgage, real estate or virtual currency investments, 'high return' schemes, option trading or foreign currency trading
- an opportunity with no risk or low risk, because you will:
- be able to sell anytime
- get a refund for non-performance
- have insured or 'guaranteed' transactions
- be able to swap one investment for another
- inside information, the opportunity to invest before a public float or discounts for early bird investors
Every investor must understand that it is very risky to ignore the warnings of BaFin, FMA, FINMA, and other federal agencies. The investor also cannot expect these authorities to return his money. This is not in their jurisdiction.
How does investor get money back?
In order to get his money back, the investor has to try other ways. There are a number of viable legal options which he can use to recover his money. If you would like to know more, call +49 30 8859770 or fill out the questionnaire. This initial information is free of charge.

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