OmegaPro - Experiences: A Ponzi scheme
OmegaPro is probably a successor of the infamous OmniTech snowball system. OmegaPro pretends to offer investors ideal opportunities to make fast and safe money at the same time with indirect investments, for example in crypto mining. With OmegaPro, everything is investment fraud. Everything the investor sees on his screen is fake. Nothing is traded on Not a cent was invested, rather the money ended up directly in the pockets of the investment scammers. Can you tell us about similar experiences? What can investors who have been defrauded by OmegaPro do? What help is available in the case of investment fraud? How can investors get their money back from dubious providers?

OmegaPro: Information on is suspect and dubious
What do surprised investors read on OmegaPro's website? "The world's leading marketing platform for navigating the global financial markets and exploring a bouquet of exquisite services and solutions designed to educate, empower and guide the community to financial freedom." This is just a small example of the exaggerated claims that curious people will find on OmegaPro's website. None of these lofty promises by OmegaPro have been kept. Unfortunately, dubious business practices tend to make for unhappy investors and bad experiences!
OmegaPro: Who is behind it?
Answering this question will be difficult for investors because the OmegaPro makers do everything they can to conceal the circumstances. In principle, this is not unusual because scammers often run several of these websites with the same fraudulent business model. Such are created non-stop, uploaded to the Internet one after another, and shut down just as swiftly, moreover, the top-level domain is often changed to fool financial regulators and law enforcement agencies.
But who runs OmegaPro?
There is hardly any usable information on OmegaPro's website in this regard. Although the operator OmegaPro Ltd is listed with the business address P.O Box 1510, Beachmont Kingstown, St. Vincent, And The Grenadines, the makers of OmegaPro are not to be found there, as it is a classic letterbox company. There is neither a support e-mail address nor a telephone number. The domain was registered on 09/11/2018 with Tucows Domains Inc. However, there was an update on 05/18/2022, which indicates a change of ownership.
OmegaPro: Investment scam scheme
The investment fraud follows the same pattern: investors enter with a small amount of money - usually 250 euros - and quickly experience how this amount increases so that they are ready to "invest" higher and higher sums. The annoyance comes up, as soon as an investor would like to have paid out its money, because now threadbare must be paid all at once taxes, commissions, fees, or whatever. Only too late most investors become conscious that they sat down an investment fraud and never the intention existed to disburse the money again.
OmegaPro: What help is there for investment fraud?
Many angry investors wonder how to proceed in the case of investment fraud since criminal charges make little sense because criminal charges are primarily for prosecution and not for recovering the money. What kind of help can investors hope for in cases of investment fraud and how do they get their money back? A lawyer specializing in investment fraud knows how to track the money, because as they used to say, money is never gone, it's just somewhere else. This can be added to the present: It is not easy, but with the proper tools it is possible to track money digitally regularly - even if it was transferred with Bitcoin through a Crypto Exchanger.
RESCH Rechtsanwälte GmbH - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you have been a victim of OmegaPro and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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