Oil Profit - Attention, BaFin warning
The alleged investment broker Öl Profit claims to be a trustworthy provider of investment advice. However, there is increasing evidence that there are significant shortcomings at Öl Profit. Reports of investors accumulate over oil Profit, in which from telephone terror, Rip-off and investment fraud the speech is. Investors have lost all of their capital invested with Oil Profit. All Oil Profit investors are wondering if they have been victims of investment fraud? And what can the investors of Oil Profit do if the suspicion of investment fraud is substantiated? Will the investors of Öl Profit get their money back? Does it make sense to file a criminal complaint against Öl Profit with the police? Where can I get help with investment fraud?

Oil Profit: Unbelievable affirmations on öl-profit.de and oil-profit.de!
What is served to the stunned visitors on the web pages of oil profit there? "Tycoons make billions from oil every year, so why not you? Join today and see how easy it is to make money from oil. ... You'll get up-to-the-minute information on all your trades and watch global markets grow. Online oil trading has never been easier. Join today and gain unprecedented financial freedom trading the world's most lucrative commodity." and "The Oil Profit Trading System was developed by a team of engineers behind closed doors. The technology we've developed and implemented into our system is groundbreaking, and Oil Profit has done everything in our power to protect it - and you. ... You don't need to know anything about oil or economics to trade with Oil Profit, which makes us the perfect choice for beginners. Of course, you can still do your own research and learn. This can only ever be helpful. However, it is by no means a requirement when you trade with us." These are just small samples of the exaggerated promises that curious people can find on Oil Profit's website. Not one of these given promises by Oil Profit has been fulfilled. Sadly, the dubious business practices rather make for disappointed investors and miserable experiences!
Oil Profit: Hide-and-seek game with the domain entry!
Remarkable for the business practices of the oil profit makers is that the web pages do not contain an imprint. Thus the complete data are missing to the legally responsible operators of the web pages. If one takes a look at the domain data of the websites of Öl Profit, there are no references to the operators to be found. However, one learns that the domains were only registered with DENIC on 23.12.2020 and 27.07.2021.
Oil Profit: Who is behind it?
Answering this question will be rather difficult for many investors, since the Oil Profit makers do everything to conceal the true circumstances. However, this is nothing unusual. The perpetrators usually operate several of these websites with the same fraudulent business model. These are created in advance, quickly put online and just as quickly shut down. The top-level domain is often changed to deceive financial regulators and law enforcement agencies. But who is the operator? There is no information about this on Oil Profit's web pages. Neither the company name nor the business address is given, but the makers of Oil Profit cannot be found there. Not even an otherwise usual support email address or telephone number is indicated.
Oil Profit: Acquisition for the investment fraud
Here the same procedure can be found again and again: In order to attract new customers, Oil Profit's offers are presented in all available media and channels. For example, advertisements are placed in social media, such as Facebook. Most of the time, the offers are false promises. To increase the effect, they upload image films on YouTube, in which prospective customers are convinced with false references. Here, supposed celebrities report on their experiences with online trading and cryptocurrencies, often with a misleading reference to the TV show "Die Höhle der Löwen". At the same time, a mostly aggressive affiliate program is started to incite others to intensively promote Oil Profit.
Oil Profit: criminal business practices!
As soon as the customer has registered on the trading platform, he receives calls from alleged financial brokers who like to refer to their years of experience and satisfied customer base. In many cases, however, the makers of this business model are fraudsters, against whom the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) also warn. Usually the investors start with a small sum as employment. Beforehand, investors are also often motivated to install remote maintenance software, such as Anydesk or Teamviewer on their computers, so that assistance can supposedly be provided with the first steps. In many cases, the computer is subsequently manipulated and unwanted transactions are carried out. In the process, the investment fraudsters often also gain access to their victims' online banking. What is particularly criminal, however, is when supposed profits are displayed on the trading platform in order to entice the customer to place further high stakes. In some cases, even small sums are returned in order to lull investors into a sense of security. Who then does not want to further increase the stakes? But how does it go on?
Oil Profit: scheme of investment fraud?
There is no legitimacy Oil Profit. Oil Profit lacks regulation by a recognized European regulator, such as the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Likewise, an approval of the Swiss Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (finma) responsible for Switzerland or the Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Austria... is missing. For this, there is a warning from BaFin. The BaFin clarifies in accordance with § 37 paragraph 4 of the German Banking Act (KWG) that the operators of the trading platforms öl-profit.de and oil-profit.de do not have a license under the KWG to conduct banking business or provide financial services. The responsible persons are not supervised by BaFin . It is easy to see that Oil Profit is a scheme of capital investment fraud. All those harmed by Oil Profit are advised to consult an investment fraud attorney as soon as possible.
Oil Profit: where are the investment fraudsters actively operating?
There is no doubt that investors in Oil Profit are dealing with investment fraud in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The illegal activities of Oil Profit are probably limited to the DACH region, that Oil Profit exclusively addresses German-speaking investors. Going through the list of regulators is advisable before any financial commitment anyway to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of investment fraud.
Oil Profit: Claims for Damages against Banks Involved
In Germany, it is prohibited to provide financial services and investment transactions without a license from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). Doing, supporting or facilitating such business, even across borders into Germany, is prohibited. Persons and companies who nevertheless participate in such transactions are obliged to pay damages to the investors who have suffered losses. These investment fraud cases would certainly not have been feasible without such banks.
Oil Profit: Investors want their money back!
The situation is fortunately more promising than it seems. The damaged investors can defend themselves and reclaim their invested capital. At present it is not to be expected that the investment fraudsters of oil profit are caught promptly, nevertheless there is reason for hope. The reason for this is the fact that the money transactions were made through accounts provided by reputable financial institutions. These obviously failed to check the sometimes high and therefore controllable deposits of the investors and their forwarding for legality. Such omissions made possible the investment fraudsters their criminal work only.
Oil profit: They want their money back! How does that work?
With this knowledge, investors would not have gotten involved in an investment with Oil Profit. Now the only way left for these is to seek compensation for the loss. Many investors can't even imagine that there is any real chance of ever seeing their money back. Clearly yes! There are numerous legal bases to fall back on. The generic term is "money laundering." When investment fraudsters collect money, the crime of money laundering is committed. Financial institutions have a duty to take action against money laundering. This is where one starts with good chances of success. To this end, important points should be clarified. To which destination did the money embezzled from Oil Profit flow? Is there a realistic chance that the bruised investors will get back the money they invested with Öl Profit? What actions are due from now on? Such questions can best be answered by a lawyer specializing in capital investment fraud.
Oil Profit: Who can help?
What to do in case of investment fraud? What help with investment fraud can victims of Oil Profit hope for? Oil Profit victims will ideally find the help they need from an experienced investment fraud attorney. He or she will be able to take care of your Oil Profit case both in terms of the criminal aspects of investment fraud, as well as the recovery of funds and possible claims for damages. A lawyer for trading is also a possibility, because he is also familiar with the methods of fraudulent brokers, such as Oil Profit.
Oil Profit: Follow the money trail!
The investor protection law firm Resch Rechtsanwälte has been investigating such abuses on the unregulated capital market for over 30 years. Accordingly, the working method of Öl Profit is nothing new. Over the years, Resch Rechtsanwälte have developed effective equipment for tracking down the retained investments and tracing the money trails. In times of the Internet, it is becoming more and more difficult to make funds really disappear. The more expeditiously investors follow the money trail, the better the chances are that they can have their money secured. Now it depends on the fact that the investors damaged by oil profit become immediately active.
RESCH Attorneys at Law - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you have become a victim of Öl Profit and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call 030 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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