Nowea Energy Inc. - Investment fraud with a helper network
The supposed private equity company Nowea Energy Inc. poses as a reputable provider of investment advice. However, there is a great deal of information that Nowea Energy Inc. is not above board. Reports from investors about Nowea Energy Inc. are piling up, talking about telephone terror, rip-offs and investment fraud. Investors have lost all of their money invested with Nowea Energy Inc. All Nowea Energy Inc. investors are wondering if they have been victims of investment fraud? And what can Nowea Energy Inc. investors do if the suspicion of investment fraud is substantiated? How can Nowea Energy Inc. investors get their money back? Does it make sense to file a criminal complaint against Nowea Energy Inc. with the police? Where can I get help with investment fraud?
Nowea Energy Inc.: Hide and Seek Domain Entry!
Remarkable for the business practices of the Nowea Energy Inc. makers is that the website does not contain an imprint. Thus, the complete information about the legally responsible operators of the website is missing. If one takes a look at the domain data of the website of Nowea Energy Inc. there are no references to the operators to be found. However, one learns that the domain was registered with Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark only on Jan. 16, 2020. The real domain owners are hiding behind the Swiss anonymization service Swiss Domain Trustee AG.

Nowea Energy Inc.: Questionable assertions on
What are surprised visitors to the Nowea Energy Inc. website being led to believe? "Our mission is to support entrepreneurs by facilitating access to know how, networks and capital. Our mission is to connect ambitious companies with capital to achieve superior growth for all. We believe in a smart and sustainable future made up of people committed to success and personal growth. Nowea's vision is to become the platform that gives entrepreneurs around the world easier access to capital." That's just a small sample of the suspect claims investors can find on Nowea Energy Inc.'s website. Not a single one of these given promises by Nowea Energy Inc. has been kept. Unfortunately, the shady business practices tend to make for unhappy investors and bad experiences!
Nowea Energy Inc.: Who is behind it!
What do you think Nowea Energy Inc. is all about? At first glance, it is a normal company registered in the United States, which emerged from the Northwest Oil & Gas Trading Company, Inc. founded on 04.03.2017 by a Peter Cheung, through a name change in early 2020. In the meantime, documents were signed by Yuen May Cheung. Documents after June 14, 2019 name a Joachim Heinrich Haas as president. Whose address is given as Hans-Jakob-Str. 29 in 76316 Malsch and the phone number was, at least at that time, +4916090957533. Both Northwest Oil & Gas Trading Company, and Nowea Energy Inc. apparently serve as legal vehicles to provide a basis for fraud to numerous ever new companies. This fraudulent network includes Crystal Finance, the cloning company TD Invest, International Investment Group, and Coindirect Money Limited with an account at Estonia's LHV Bank, among others. The warnings on the Nowea Energy website may be safely considered deceptive.
Nowea Energy Inc.: Acquisition for investment fraud
In order to attract new customers, the offers of Nowea Energy Inc. are presented in all conceivable media and channels. Often, these recommendations are misinformation. To reinforce the deception, they upload image films on Youtube or Vimeo in which prospective customers are convinced with false references. At the same time, an affiliate program is often started to give others incentive to promote Nowea Energy Inc.
Nowea Energy Inc.: In the sights of BaFin!
The fact that Nowea Energy Inc has been targeted by financial regulators due to its business practices is a cause for concern. Thus, BaFin has already published the following warning on 04.11.2020: "Nowea Energy Inc: Sufficiently substantiated suspicion for missing prospectus - BaFin has the sufficiently substantiated suspicion that Nowea Energy Inc, according to its own information with registered office at 4650 WEDEKIND ROAD, SUITE 2, SPARKS NV 89431, publicly offers securities in Germany in the form of no-par value shares registered in its name (ISIN: US67012L1089) without the required prospectus. The public offering of securities without an approved prospectus constitutes - unless an exception applies - a breach of the prospectus requirement under Article 3(1) of the EU Prospectus Regulation. Contrary to Article 3(1) of the EU Prospectus Regulation, no prospectus was published for the public offering of Nowea Energy Inc. There are no indications for an exemption from the prospectus requirement. In Germany, securities may in principle - i.e. subject to an exception to the prospectus requirement - not be offered to the public without the publication of a prospectus previously approved by BaFin. As part of such approval, BaFin examines whether the prospectus contains the minimum information required by law and whether its content is comprehensible and coherent (free of contradictions). However, it does not check the accuracy of the content of the prospectus. Likewise, it does not check the seriousness of the issuer or the product. In the event of incorrect or incomplete information in the prospectus, the persons responsible for the prospectus may be liable pursuant to Sections 9 and 10 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (WpPG). The same applies to providers and issuers of securities pursuant to Section 14 WpPG if no prospectus has been published in breach of duty. A breach of the obligation to publish a prospectus constitutes an administrative offense under Section 24 (3) no. 1 WpPG and can be punished by a fine of up to EUR 5 million or 3 percent of the total turnover of the last financial year under Section 24 (6) WpPG. Fines of up to twice the economic benefit derived from the violation may also be imposed. Please remember that investments in securities should always be made only on the basis of the required information."
Nowea Energy Inc: BaFin follows up.
Only a few weeks later, on Jan. 05, 2021, BaFin prohibited the public offering of shares in Nowea Energy Inc: "Nowea Energy Inc: BaFin prohibits public offering of shares in Nowea Energy Inc - On Dec. 22, 2020, BaFin prohibited the public offering of shares registered in its name by Nowea Energy Inc, according to its own information with its registered office at 200 S Virginia St 8th Floor, Reno, 89501 NV, due to violation of Article 3(1) of the EU Prospectus Regulation. As a result, Nowea Energy Inc. may not offer shares registered in its name for purchase in Germany. This measure is not yet final. However, it is immediately enforceable. The prohibition was issued because there are sufficient grounds to suspect that Nowea Energy Inc. has not published a prospectus for this security that has been approved by BaFin and contains the information required under Article 6 et seq. of the EU Prospectus Regulation. ..."
Nowea Energy Inc: no transactions without a securities prospectus!
A crucial question is also whether Nowea Energy Inc with the website is supervised by a financial supervisory authority, so the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). There is no indication of this and this is another warning sign. And what to make of the alleged financial transactions of the company Nowea Energy Inc with German investors? Basically, there is a prospectus requirement in Germany for financial transactions of this type. The German financial regulator BaFin explains: "In Germany, securities may not in principle be offered to the public or admitted to trading on an organized market without the publication of a prospectus previously approved by BaFin. As part of such approval, BaFin examines whether the prospectus contains the minimum information required by law and whether the prospectus content is comprehensible and coherent (free of contradictions). However, it does not check the accuracy of the content of the prospectus. Likewise, it does not check the seriousness of the issuer or the product. Issuers are liable for the accuracy of the information provided in the securities prospectus." If a company violates these requirements when offering shares to the public, this offer will be prohibited due to the violation of Article 3 (1) of the EU Prospectus Regulation. The prohibition occurs because the company has not published a prospectus for this security that has been approved by BaFin and contains the information required under Article 6 et seq. of the EU Prospectus Regulation. The companies, including Nowea Energy Inc with its website, must inform their customers about this. If they do not do this, they are liable for damages and investors can claim their money back.
Nowea Energy Inc: scheme of investment fraud?
Nowea Energy Inc. lacks regulation by a recognized European regulator, such as the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It also lacks approval from the Swiss Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (finma) or the Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Austria, which is responsible for Switzerland. For this, there are warnings from BaFin, most recently dated 05.01.2021. It is also obvious that Nowea Energy Inc. is a scheme of capital investment fraud. All victims of Nowea Energy Inc. should be advised to consult an investment fraud attorney as soon as possible.
Nowea Energy Inc: Where are the investment fraudsters actively operating?
Investors are certainly dealing with Nowea Energy Inc. investment fraud in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Unfortunately, the activities of Nowea Energy Inc. are not limited to German-speaking countries. Because Nowea Energy Inc. also addresses potential investors in English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Russian, it is only a matter of time until the first defrauded persons in these language groups also come forward. A look at the list of regulators is recommended before any financial commitment to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of investment fraud.
Nowea Energy Inc.: Claims for damages against banks involved
A license from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is a mandatory requirement for financial services and investment transactions in Germany. It is prohibited to conduct, support or facilitate such business, even across borders into Germany. Companies that nevertheless engage in such activities are obliged to compensate the victims. These investment fraud cases would probably not have been possible without such banks.
Nowea Energy Inc.: Investors want their money back!
Fortunately, the constellation is not as hopeless as it seems. The aggrieved parties can take countermeasures and reclaim their invested money. At present it is not to be expected that the investment fraudsters of Nowea Energy Inc. will be seized soon, nevertheless there is reason for hope. The reason for this is the fact that the money transactions were made through accounts provided by reputable financial institutions. Unfortunately, the latter failed to check the investors' deposits, some of which were large and therefore subject to controls, and their forwarding for illegality. Such negligence enabled the investment fraudsters to carry out their criminal activities in the first place.
Nowea Energy Inc.: They want their money back! How does it work?
Equipped with this knowledge, investors would not have entered into a business relationship with Nowea Energy Inc. Now the only option left to them is to try to recover the invested capital. Many investors cannot even imagine that there is any real chance of ever seeing their money back. Clearly yes! There are numerous legal bases to fall back on. The generic term is "money laundering." When investment fraudsters collect money, the crime of money laundering is committed. Financial institutions have a duty to take action against money laundering. This is where one starts with good chances of success. Relevant questions should be answered in advance. Where did the money embezzled from Nowea Energy Inc. go? Is there a possibility for the victims of the investment fraudsters to get back their money invested with Nowea Energy Inc. What actions are required now? Such questions can best be answered by an attorney specializing in investment fraud.
Nowea Energy Inc: Who can help?
What to do in case of investment fraud? What kind of investment fraud help can Nowea Energy Inc. victims hope for? Nowea Energy Inc. victims can ideally find the help they need from an experienced investment fraud attorney. He or she will be able to take care of your Nowea Energy Inc. case both in terms of the criminal aspects of the investment fraud, as well as the recovery of funds and possible claims for damages. A trading attorney may also be considered because they are familiar with the methods used by fraudulent brokers such as Nowea Energy Inc.
Nowea Energy Inc.: Follow the money trail!
Abuses of this kind in the unregulated capital market have been pursued by the investor protection law firm Resch Rechtsanwälte for over 30 years. The way of the Nowea Energy Inc. is in such a way regarded nothing new. Over the years, Resch Rechtsanwälte has developed extensive tools for tracking down the missing funds and tracing the money flows. In the age of the Internet, it has become really difficult to make funds truly disappear. The more expeditiously those affected follow the trail of the money, the more promising it is that they will get back their invested capital. It is now important that investors who have been harmed by Nowea Energy Inc. react immediately.
RESCH Attorneys at Law - Experience in Investor Protection since 1986
If you have been a victim of Nowea Energy Inc. and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call 030 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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