Cryptonics - Perfidious methods of ripping off investors
Cryptonics pretends that investors are provided with the best possible conditions to make fast and safe money with crypto trading. Everything about Cryptonics is an investment scam. Everything investors see on their screens is designed to mislead investors. Nothing is traded on Not a cent is invested. The money has landed straight into the pockets of the investment scammers. Can you tell us about similar experiences? What help is available in the case of investment fraud? What can investors do who have been defrauded by Cryptonics? How can investors get their money back from dubious providers?

Cryptonics: Untrustworthy and dubious assurances
What are the astonished interested parties being led to believe on "At Cryptonics, you'll find customer-focused services with world-class security and unparalleled capabilities. With ever-evolving technology and an army of analysts on hand to offer advice and support, we've built the all-in-one network that every trader can rely on to make their dreams come true." This is just one small passage of the questionable assurances that interested parties will find on the Cryptonics website. Not a single one of these given assurances by Cryptonics has been delivered. Unpleasantly, the dubious business conduct rather makes for disappointed investors and miserable experiences!
Cryptonics: Who is behind it?
Because the makers of Cryptonics do everything they can to conceal the true circumstances, investors will certainly find it difficult to answer this question. However, this is not unusual because the perpetrators usually operate several of these websites with the same fraudulent business model. They are created continuously, uploaded one after the other on the internet and just as quickly taken offline again. In addition, the top-level domain is changed again and again in order to evade the financial supervisory and law enforcement authorities.
But who is the operator of Cryptonics?
Nothing usable can be found on the Cryptonics website in this regard. At least the company Cryptonics, unfortunately without legal form, is given with the business address Waterlooplein 10, 1011 PG Amsterdam, Netherlands, but the makers of Cryptonics cannot be found there, as it is at best a letterbox company. In addition, also has the e-mail address and the telephone numbers +447893928173 (Great Britain) and +35627780515 (Netherlands). The domain was registered on 19/07/2020 with NameCheap, Inc.
Cryptonics: Scheme of investment fraud
Investment fraud always follows the same pattern: investors initially invest a small sum - usually 250 euros - are impressed by how quickly this amount increases and are therefore prepared to "invest" ever higher sums. The disputes start as soon as investors want their money paid out, because now, allegedly, taxes, commissions, fees or whatever have to be paid first. Unfortunately, many investors realise far too late that they have fallen for investment scams that never intended to pay out the money again.
Cryptonics: What help is there for investment fraud?
How to act in the case of investment fraud is a question many defrauded investors ask themselves, because criminal charges hardly make sense, since criminal charges primarily serve the purpose of prosecution, but not the recovery of the money. What kind of help can be used in investment fraud cases and how do affected investors get their money back?A lawyer specialising in investment fraudmust know how to follow the money, because as they used to say, money is never gone, only somewhere else. Now you can add to that: It is challenging, but with the right tools it is possible to systematically track money digitally - even if it was deposited with Bitcoin via a Crypto Exchanger.
RESCH Rechtsanwälte GmbH - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you have become a victim of Cryptonics, respectively, and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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