RESCH Warnings
WiseWealth: Negative Experiences!
Tasty Group Works: Had a bad experience?
RESCH Follow the money
Money is not gone, but only elsewhere! Money can be tracked digitally almost always if one can use the right tools. This applies even to Bitcoin & Co., which, according to popular belief, disappear forever in the blockchain. The opposite is true. Transparency was the highest priority for the inventors of Bitcoin. The blockchain was intended to be a "publicly accessible cash book." However, the blockchain has become practically impenetrable with billions of transactions unless we could employ Chainalysis. Resch Rechtsanwälte GmbH are partners of Chainalysis, a worldwide leader in tracking funds in the blockchain. The results are astonishing and even surprise the experts. Learn more here

Investigating Investment Fraud
Time after time, victims fall prey to investment fraud. They sometimes realize too late that these are often bogus companies with nothing to offer except an impressive website.
What can an investor do when he realizes that everything that was offered was just a lie and a hoax? Are there any chances of getting the money back?
You can find out more here.
How can RESCH Law help you?
Resch Rechtsanwälte law firm has specialized in investment law since 1986. Our lawyers are experts in all forms of investment fraud and capital market law. Resch attorneys work on the behalf of aggrieved investors to recover their lost money. You can find out more HERE.
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